More attacks on occupied factories in Brazil – Workers resist

The newly appointed administrator of Cipla/Interifbra recently visited Flasko, another occupied factory, and attempted to sack the general coordinator of the Factory Council. The intention is clear, the Brazilian ruling class wants to crush the occupied factory movement. Urgent solidarity is needed to defend the workers, their jobs, and the occupied factory movement.

Administrator of CIPLA/INTERFIBRA goes to Flasko and tries to sack Factory Council

The administrator of Cipla/Interfibra, Rainoldo Uessler, today, June 19, went to Flasko, another occupied factory in Sumaré (Sao Paulo), met with the general coordinator of the Factory Council, Pedro Alem Santinho, and sacked him.

As soon as they knew of this decision, the workers stopped the machines and warned him that they would only resume production if comrade Pedro was allowed to fully exercise his functions.

Faced with the paralysis of the factory, the administrator showed his real intentions by saying that he did not want to see the workers Fernando, Amaro (members of the Factory Council) and Rafael Prata (press advisor) in the factory.

Local councillor Marcela Moreira (PSOL - Campinas) went to the factory to show solidarity and the administrator (in an arrogant way and surrounded by thugs like Piazeira and Miltao) tried to intimidate her, but she replied: "I have come here to visit the workers, not to visit you".

At the end of the day, demoralised by the resistance of all the workers in the factory, the administrator, after having threatened to bring the Federal Police, was forced to backtrack on the threatened sackings.

There is now a climate of permanent mobilisation. All workers will stay inside the factory in order to defend and guarantee workers' control in Flasko. The residents of nearby working class neighbourhood Villa Operaria e Popular are also participating in the resistance together with the workers.

Tomorrow, June 21st, 2007, at 7pm, there will be rally at the gates of Flasko against the intervention and against any sackings, for workers' control and the defence of all jobs.

The administrator has threatened to come back on Thursday, June 21st.

Send letters of protest demanding the end of the intervention in CIPLA/INTERFIBRA and Flasko, the end of all threats to the occupied factories and their nationalisation under workers' control to:

Mr. Minister Tarso Genro,

Dr. Oziel Francisco de Sousa,

President of the Republic,

We demand that you stop immediately the persecution of the workers and the management of the CIPLA/INTERFIBRA and Flasko factories. We demand that you withdraw the outside administrator Uessler and allow management to enter the factory without threat of arrest. We demand and end to threats against the Flasko workers and we demand you that do not use the Federal Police against them.

We ask you to nationalise the occupied factories as suggested by the BNDES commission of enquiry as the only way to defend the jobs and livelihoods of their workers.



Dr. Tarso Genro
Ministro de Estado da Justiça do Brasil
Esplanada dos Ministérios - Bloco T - Edifício Sede
CEP 70064-900 - Brasília - DF
Fax : (61) 3322-6817 E-mail:

Luiz Marinho
Ministro de Estado da Previdência do Brasil
Esplanada dos Ministérios - Bloco F
CEP 70059-900 - Brasília - DF

Carlos Lupi
Ministro de Estado do Trabalho e Emprego
Esplanada dos Ministérios - Bloco F
CEP 70059-900 - Brasília - DF

Presidente da República
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva - Presidente da República
Palácio do Planalto - Praça dos Três Poderes
Brasilia/ DF- CEP 70250-900
Fax: 00- 55 61 411 1073
E-Mail :

Dr. Oziel Francisco de Souza
Juiz Federal da Vara de Execuções Fiscais de Joinville
Rua do Príncipe, 123 - Centro
89201-001 - Joinville - SC

Rainoldo Uessler
Interventor da Cipla
Rua São Paulo, 1600 - Bucarein
89202-200 - Joinville - SC

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