Coronavirus in Argentina: capitalism at odds with workers’ health and wellbeing The Argentine comrades of Corriente Socialista Militante discuss the economic and social impact of the coronavirus. The workers cannot be made to pay for this disaster! They will not die so the bosses can continue to enrich themselves!
International women's strike in Argentina: a green tide for change! On 9 March, comrades of the IMT participated in marches and strikes in commemoration of the International Working Women’s Day in Argentina, participating in the mobilisations in Buenos Aires and Rosario. In both places, the marches were massive, in Rosario alone, more than 50,000 people gathered, including women, men and youth; a mix of political parties; feminist groups and unions, who marched to the Monument to the Flag.
Revolution in Latin America: lessons of the Red October In this article for America Socialista (published 17 January), Jorge Martin looks back on the tremendous ‘Red October’ that swept Latin America last year, with insurrectionary movements in one country after another. Where did these eruptions come from? What were their limitations? What lessons were learned? And what is the perspective going forward?
Argentina: 2019 elections – prepare for the future! Mauricio Macri has been defeated at the ballot box. Undoubtedly, these elections have demonstrated the willingness of the workers, students and youth to put an end to Argentina’s structural adjustment policies.
The real fire devouring the Amazon, Chiquitanía and Gran Chaco is capitalism “Money is the universal self-established value of all things. It has, therefore, robbed the whole world – both the world of men and nature – of its specific value.” – Karl Marx (1843)From space, in various satellite images, you can see columns of smoke and suspended particles ascending above the most extensive and biologically diverse tropical forest in the world: the Amazon.
Argentina: the irreversible crisis of Macrismo – what is the role of the left? The political life cycle of Macri’s government seems to be over. It only remains to be seen how it will all end.
Argentina: a ship adrift In the last week of March, the global capitalist crisis was expressed in the fall in value, over two consecutive days, of the most important stock exchanges in the world. Added to this is the collapse in the currencies of the so-called emerging economies and the deepening trade war between China and the United States. Although still in its early stages it is set to be a shock to the global economic system. In short, we are in the throes of a recession and are yet to witness its full extent.
Argentina paralysed by general strike as economic crisis deepens On 25 September, a general strike paralysed the Argentinian economy. In a demonstration of the enormous power of the working class, public transport came to a standstill, schools and universities were shut, public institutions and banks closed and private industry ceased to function. Meanwhile, president Macri was in the US making further concessions to the IMF in a desperate attempt to get a larger bailout.
Argentina: peso collapse – ominous sign of the state of world economy Since the beginning of 2018, the Argentinian peso has fallen 30 percent against the dollar, reaching 25 pesos per dollar. The severity of the crisis has forced the government to raise interest rates to 40 percent. Seeing that this didn’t help, the government has taken steps to ask the IMF for a multi-billion-dollar loan to prop up the faltering economy. Seemingly coming like lightning from a clear blue sky, what this pending disaster really reveals is the fragile state of the Argentinian and world economy.
Perspectivas para Argentina 2018: Congreso CSM Argentina Última Parte En los primeros días de febrero la Corriente Socialista Militante, Sección Argentina de la Corriente Marxista Internacional realizó un nuevo Congreso anual partidario, sesionando en Rosario los días 3 y 4 de febrero. La caracterización de la Situación Internacional, su expresión en la región, la etapa que atravesamos de la lucha de clases, el salto cualitativo en la conciencia y en la lucha de masas contra los embates del gobierno de Macri Cambiemos, el papel de los Jefes Sindicales y otros temas fueron motivo de este valioso y rico encuentro entre los camaradas de la CSM. Las conclusiones y la construcción de un Partido de clase y nuestra construcción fueron el cierre de las jornadas...
Argentina: down with Macri's repression against left activists Following huge protests against counter-reform of the pensions system in Argentina in December, the right-wing Macri government has launched an offensive of repression and criminalisation against left-wing organisations and activists. Two members of the Partido Obrero (Workers’ Party) have been arrested, and several activists from other organisations (including members of parliament) have been indicted. The International Marxist Tendency expresses its solidarity with the comrades, demands the end to all repression and calls on working-class and solidarity activists internationally to show their support.
Solidaridad con el PO - libertad detenidos Ante la infame imputación por parte del Gobierno Nacional y la Ministra Patricia Bullrich, contra el Partido Obrero, de haber colocado dos bombas caseras en un carro de asalto de la Guardia de Infantería -frente al Departamento Central de Policía Federal- el viernes 05/01, la Corriente Socialista Militante -Corriente Marxista Internacional- repudia dicha acusación y se solidariza con los compañeros del PO.
Todos somos Mapuches El gobierno de Cambiemos se ha cobrado otra víctima. Rafael Nahuel un trabajador de la comunidad Mapuche de Bariloche de tan solo 22 años, cayó fusilado por la Agrupación Albatros de Prefectura Naval Argentina en ocasióndel reclamo de tierras.
Argentina: Santiago Maldonado: Mentiras y tergiversaciones del Estado para ocultar su responsabilidad. La junta de peritos encabezada por el Cuerpo Médico Forense y el Equipo Argentino de Antropología Forense (EAAF) que analizó las causas de la muerte de Santiago Maldonado llego a la conclusión unánime de que Santiago se ahogó y sufrió un cuadro coadyuvante de hipotermia en las aguas del Río Chubut.
Argentina: Macri y Bullrich: concentración y restauración solo posible con represión y sangre Desde la Corriente Marxista Internacional y su sección argentina, Corriente Militante Socialista, repudiamos el acto de violencia y asesinato cada vez más naturalizado y abierto del gobierno argentino hacia dirigentes sociales, campesinos y aborígenes. Asesinaron a Santiago Maldonado, ahora Prefectura asesina al joven Rafael Nahuel de 22 años, de Villa Mascardi en Río Negro. Ya ni siquiera encubren sus crímenes, la posesión y la concentración la van naturalizando hacia la sociedad civil. Rafael, participaba de las luchas comunitarias mapuches por la tenencia legítima de los territorios, fue asesinado a sangre fría y otros comuneros y mujeres fueron heridos y perseguidos monte adentro,...