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The German catastrophe of 1923

The German catastrophe of 1923

In Defence of Marxism

Friday, 6 September 2024 


The German catastrophe of 1923

In the summer of 1923, Germany found itself in the grip of an intense revolutionary ferment. But this historic opportunity for the working class to seize power was squandered, with devastating implications, not only for Germany, but for the course of the world socialist revolution. In this article, marking the hundredth anniversary of the dramatic failure of the German Revolution in October 1923, Tatjana Pinetzki explains how this situation emerged, the mistakes of the leadership, and the impact of these events on world history.


France: mobilise against Barnier, Macron and Le Pen!

After seven weeks of delays and a series of ‘consultations’, French President Macron announced yesterday the appointment of Michel Barnier as Prime Minister from the traditional centre-right Les Republicains (LR), who came fourth in legislative elections where the left-wing New Popular Front (NFP) won the most seats.

Contre Barnier, Macron et Le Pen : mobilisation !

Après 7 semaines d’attente et une succession de « consultations », l’Elysée a annoncé hier la nomination de Michel Barnier au poste de Premier ministre. Ce vieux politicien gaulliste, réactionnaire patenté et partisan déclaré d’un « moratoire sur l’immigration », a donc reçu la mission désespérée de former un gouvernement qui puisse tenir jusqu’à ce que de nouvelles élections législatives puissent être convoquées.

Marksistler ve İntifada Çağrısı: Gerçekte Ne Anlama Geliyor?

İsrail ordusu tarafından katledilen Filistin halkıyla dayanışma amacıyla düzenlenen protesto ve gösteriler, Yahudilere karşı şiddeti teşvik eden antisemitik eylemler olarak nitelendirilmektedir. Bu, ezilen bir halka desteğin ifade edilmesine yönelik meşru demokratik hakkın kriminalize edilmesi ve susturulmasına yönelik bilinçli bir kampanyanın parçasıdır. Özellikle, IMT'li komünistler de dahil olmak üzere "İntifada" teriminin kullanımı batılı müesses nizam tarafından kınanmıştır. Ancak komünistlerin antisemitizme karşı tutumu nedir ve Birinci İntifada'nın gerçek doğası neydi?
