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Vietnam: the death of a strongman leader ushers in period of uncertainty

Vietnam: the death of a strongman leader ushers in period of uncertainty

In Defence of Marxism

Wednesday, 4 September 2024 


Vietnam: the death of a strongman leader ushers in period of uncertainty

In the past weeks, the ruling party of Vietnam, the Vietnamese Communist Party (VCP) experienced a sudden change of leadership after the death of its aging General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng on 19 July. Trọng had been the de facto supreme leader of the country for 13 years, and oversaw a process of concentrating power in the state and in his person, not unlike the process in China around Xi Jinping. What is the significance of this post being passed on to Tô Lâm, the President? How will all this affect the perspectives of Vietnam and its class struggle moving forward?


Alan Woods' 'History of Philosophy' – now available in Italian!

We are very excited to announce the release of the Italian edition of History of Philosophy, a Marxist Perspective, by our editor-in-chief, Alan Woods. We congratulate our Italian comrades on producing this translation, which has made this important text accessible to an entirely new audience. 

Die Wut gegen Netanjahu explodiert in Israel: „Das Blut der Geiseln klebt an seinen Händen“

Am Wochenende haben die Israelischen Streitkräfte (IDF) die Leichen von sechs Geiseln geborgen, die von der Hamas im Gazastreifen festgehalten wurden. Daraufhin explodierte die Wut der Bevölkerung, die sich gegen den israelischen Premierminister Benjamin Netanjahu richtet. Von Jorge Martín (2.9.2024).

Auf die Straße gegen AfD, Establishment und Kapitalismus!

Die Krise des deutschen Kapitalismus vertieft sich unaufhaltsam. Vergangenen Sonntag wurde in den beiden Bundesländern Sachsen und Thüringen gewählt. Gewonnen haben die rechte Partei „Alternative für Deutschland“ (AfD) und die demagogische neue Partei „Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht“ (BSW), einer Abspaltung der Linkspartei. Die Reformisten und Liberalen in Deutschland und darüber sind in Panik, aber dieses Ergebnis ist ein Maß für ihren eigenen Bankrott.

Staljinova odgovornost u stvaranju Izraela i katastrofalne posljedice

Palestinski narod je 1948. godine prisilno protjeran iz svoje zemlje od strane cionističkih naoružanih milicija, u događaju koji u njihovom kolektivnom istorijskom sjećanju ostaje zapamćen kao Nakba, ili Katastrofa. Cionistički projekat je oduvijek predviđao takav razvoj događaja, a svi istinski revolucionarni komunisti su dosljedno bili protiv cionističke ideologije. Zašto je onda Staljin napustio stav o jednoj državi za dva naroda, palestinski i jevrejski, i podržao podjelu 1947. godine, zajedno sa kasnijim osnivanjem posebne jevrejske države?
