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Stalin’s responsibility in the creation of Israel and its disastrous consequences

Stalin’s responsibility in the creation of Israel and its disastrous consequences

In Defence of Marxism

Friday, 26 July 2024 


Stalin’s responsibility in the creation of Israel and its disastrous consequences

The Palestinian people were forcibly expelled from their homeland by Zionist armed militias in 1948, in an event which remains in their collective historical memory as the Nakba, or the Catastrophe. The Zionist project had always envisaged such a development, and all genuine revolutionary Communists had consistently been opposed to the Zionist ideology. Why then did Stalin abandon the position of one state for the two peoples, Palestinian and Jewish, and come out in support of partition in 1947, together with the subsequent setting up of a separate Jewish state?


Down with the murderous Hasina regime! Victory to Bangladeshi students! – RCI statement

The Revolutionary Communist International salutes the inspiring bravery of the students of Bangladesh. Their movement, which began in protest against a rotten quota system, has escalated to demand the downfall of the murderous Hasina regime. Our comrades, in over 40 countries around the world, stand in full solidarity with you. The just cause of Bangladesh’s students is the cause of the working class and youth of the whole world! The world must know what is really happening in Bangladesh.


RCP Pakistan: Solidarity with the students’ movement in Bangladesh!

The Inqalabi Communist Party in Pakistan extends complete solidarity to the students’ movement in Bangladesh and support for all their demands. We condemn the brutality and repression by Sheikh Hasina’s government which has killed at least 200 people and injured thousands more. Curfews have been imposed. Orders to shoot at sight have been issued while the army is deployed on the streets of Dhaka.

Biden yarışı bıraktı: Dereyi geçerken at değiştirmek Trump'ı durdurabilir mi?

Amerikan siyasetinin trajikomik pembe dizisinde bir başka dramatik dönemeçte Joe Biden yeniden seçilme kampanyasını sonlandırdı. Seçimlerden sadece 108 gün önce gelen bu karar, tek dönemlik bir başkanın şimdiye kadar aldığı en geç karar. En yakın tarihsel benzerlik 1968 yılında Lyndon Johnson'ın Vietnam Savaşı karşıtı protestoların baskısı altında ikinci bir dönem için aday olmayı reddetmesiydi. Soykırımcı Joe'nun Beyaz Saray'daki görev süresine enflasyon ve savaş damgasını vurdu ve görev süresini yaklaşık %56'lık bir olumsuzluk oranıyla tamamlayacak.


PCR Pakistán: ¡Solidaridad con el movimiento estudiantil en Bangladesh!

El Partido Comunista Revolucionario de Pakistán extiende su total solidaridad al movimiento estudiantil de Bangladesh y su apoyo a todas sus reivindicaciones. Condenamos la brutalidad y la represión del gobierno de Sheikh Hasina, que ha matado al menos a 200 personas y herido a miles más. Se han impuesto toques de queda. Se han dado órdenes de disparar a discreción mientras el ejército está desplegado en las calles de Daca.

بنغلاديش: مقامرة حسينة ستحدد مصيرها

لقد تغيرت بنغلاديش بالكامل في الأيام الأربعة الماضية. فمنذ يوم الخميس، أسدلت حكومة الشيخة حسينة ستارًا من الظلام على كامل البلاد. وتحت غطاء انقطاع الاتصالات، ارتكبت أسوأ مذبحة شهدتها بنغلاديش منذ ثمانينيات القرن الماضي، إن لم يكن منذ حرب الاستقلال عام 1971. وبهذا تكون قد انتهت آخر قطرة من شرعية حزب رابطة عوامي (AL) وحكومة الشيخة حسينة.

Czy komuniści popierają przemoc?

Klasa rządząca często przedstawia komunistów jako żądne przemocy jednostki, które nie cofną się przed niczym, aby utopić społeczeństwo we krwi. Nie jest dla nas więc zaskoczeniem, że gdy największy duński portal informacyjny BT, postanowił przeprowadzić wywiad z członkiem kierownictwa naszej duńskiej sekcji, rozmawiający dziennikarz, uparcie próbował skłonić naszego towarzysza do przyznania, że Rewolucyjna Partia Komunistyczna popiera przemoc.
