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Communists and elections: parliament, positions, and the party

Communists and elections: parliament, positions, and the party

In Defence of Marxism

Wednesday, 10 July 2024 


Communists and elections: parliament, positions, and the party

In the British general election, the Revolutionary Communist Party, only 8 weeks after its founding, ran the most successful revolutionary communist election campaign in decades. Fiona, candidate of the RCP, received 1,791 votes for an openly revolutionary programme. This is an excellent result, but the reason communists participate in elections is to raise their programme and to build the revolutionary party. In this article, Daniel Morley delves deeper into the theoretical underpinnings of communist strategy and tactics in elections.

In Verteidigung der Theorie Unwissenheit hat noch nie jemandem geholfen

Schon bevor sie das Kommunistische Manifest schrieben, führten Marx und Engels (die, wohlgemerkt, ihr revolutionäres Leben als Studenten der Hegelschen Philosophie begannen) einen Kampf gegen jene „proletarischen“ Führer, die Rückständigkeit und primitive Kampfmethoden verehrten und sich hartnäckig gegen die Einführung der wissenschaftlichen Theorie wehrten.