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Britain: Fiona’s campaign makes waves across Stratford & Bow

Britain: Fiona’s campaign makes waves across Stratford & Bow

In Defence of Marxism

Tuesday, 2 July 2024 


Britain: Fiona’s campaign makes waves across Stratford & Bow

With election day fast approaching, Fiona Lali’s campaign in Stratford & Bow has stepped up a gear, with hundreds of activists and volunteers hitting the streets over the weekend. Join us for the final push, and get organised for the struggles ahead.


New issue of Arabic communist magazine – The African Revolution

We are pleased to announce the publication of the fifteenth issue of Freedom and Communism, the Arabic-language magazine of the Revolutionary Communist International. This issue focuses on the crimes of imperialism and revolutionary struggles on the African continent. Click here to download a pdf of the full magazine in Arabic.

Remarques sur le premier tour des législatives

Les résultats du premier tour des élections législatives sont à peu près conformes à ce qu’annonçaient les sondages.

Γαλλικές εκλογές: πρωτιά της Λεπέν – και τώρα;

Το γαλλικό τμήμα της Επαναστατικής Κομμουνιστικής Διεθνούς (RCI) για τα αποτελέσματα του 1ου γύρου των βουλετικών εκλογών και τα καθήκοντα της Αριστεράς και του εργατικού κινήματος ενόψει του 2ου γύρου.

Eleccions a França: Le Pen al capdavant, i ara què?

Els resultats de la primera volta de les eleccions legislatives coincideixen més o menys amb el que pronosticaven les enquestes. La participació (66.7%) ha estat molt superior a la de 2022 (47.5%). Qui s’ha beneficiat? No els macronistas, la derrota dels quals només ha estat lleugerament menys severa del que es preveia. Aquesta major participació ha beneficiat al Nou Front Popular i, encara més, a l’extrema dreta. Així ho demostra la comparació dels resultats en nombre de vots de 2022 i 2024.

Grčki lučki radnici su blokirali brod koji je prevozio izraelsko oružje: snaga solidarnosti!

U subotu, 15. lipnja, Sindikat radnika u luci Pirej (ENEDEP) mobilizirao se kako bi spriječio pristajanje kontejnerskog broda MSC ALTAIR u grčku luku koji je išao za Izrael. Brod je prevozio ratne materijale, namijenjene uništavanju Gaze. Zahvaljujući čvrstoj blokadi, brod je bio prisiljen skrenuti prema Italiji, zadavši udarac izraelskom ratnom stroju što je primjer radnicima svijeta!