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The Kenyan Revolution has begun

The Kenyan Revolution has begun

In Defence of Marxism

Tuesday, 25 June 2024 


The Kenyan Revolution has begun

Today, the hated Finance Bill 2024, which sparked an unprecedented movement of Kenyan youth last week, was brought before parliament for its third and final reading. Before the session began, enormous throngs were descending on Nairobi Central Business District, heading for the parliament building. At 2.15pm, MPs passed the bill by 195 votes to 106. Within 40 minutes, the insurrectionary masses had stormed parliament and MPs were fleeing in panic.


Assange to walk free: but US imperialism takes its pound of flesh

In the early hours of this morning, it was announced that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will finally become a free man. This news will of course be celebrated by all those who campaigned for his release. Yet in a final injustice, Assange is currently on a plane bound for Saipan, in the American-controlled Mariana Islands, to plead guilty to an espionage charge. Thus US imperialism, which has never forgiven Assange for exposing its crimes, exacts a final measure of vengeance.

Kenya – Benvenuti alla Rivoluzione della Generazione Z!

Il Kenya si trova scosso da grandi eventi. Il governo di William Ruto, fedele servo di Washington, del FMI e della Banca Mondiale, sta tentando di fare ingoiare alle masse una serie di nuove tasse dal carattere punitivo. E, così facendo, il suo governo sta provocando una rivolta della gioventù, che ha spontaneamente invaso le strade di tutte le principali città. La situazione presenta elementi rivoluzionari e molti dicono che una rivoluzione simile a quella avvenuta in Sri Lanka potrebbe riprodursi in Kenya.


Kenia: ‘¡bienvenidos a la revolución de la generación Z!’

Grandes acontecimientos sacuden Kenia. El gobierno de William Ruto, fiel servidor de Washington, el FMI y el Banco Mundial, intenta imponer impuestos punitivos a las masas. Y su gobierno ha cosechado una explosión de la juventud, que ha inundado espontáneamente las calles de todas las grandes ciudades. Hay elementos revolucionarios en la situación, y muchos hablan de la llegada de Sri Lanka a Kenia.
