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ICC ruling: will Netanyahu be brought before the law?

ICC ruling: will Netanyahu be brought before the law?

In Defence of Marxism

Tuesday, 21 May 2024 


ICC ruling: will Netanyahu be brought before the law?

Yesterday the world’s media was rocked by the surprise news that the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, is seeking arrest warrants for war crimes, against Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, and Yoav Gallant, the Defence Minister.


New Caledonia and the struggle of the Kanak people

New Caledonia has been rocked for several days by riots that have so far claimed six lives. This uprising is the result of repeated provocations by the French imperialist government. In 2022 – after Macron forced through a referendum on independence in spite of his promises to the contrary – we published the article below, in which we wrote: “The French government welcomes the result, but the problem is by no means settled – and is bound to resurface, sooner or later.” Since then, the government has pushed ahead with a process of electoral reform that constitutes a significant provocation for the Kanaks.


Sentencia de la CPI: ¿llegará Netanyahu ante la ley?

Ayer los medios de comunicación de todo el mundo se estremecieron con la sorprendente noticia de que el fiscal de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI), Karim Khan, solicita órdenes de captura por crímenes de guerra contra Benjamin Netanyahu, primer ministro israelí, y Yoav Gallant, el ministro de Defensa. 

En defensa de la teoria – o la ignorància mai ha ajudat ningú

Avui estem orgullosos de tornar a publicar un article molt important d’Alan Woods, el qual demanem als nostres lectors que sigui considerat detingudament. A través de, la revista In Defence of Marxism i la nostra editorial Wellred Books, el Corrent Marxista Internacional (pròximament Internacional Comunsita Revolucionària) ha dut a terme una lluita global per la teoria marxista. Però, en fer-ho, hem abordat no només qüestions que estan evidentment relacionades amb la lluita obrera, sinó també altres (aparentment) allunyades d’ella, de la cosmologia a la cultura a la lluita de classes de l’antiguitat romana. Alguns anomenats “marxistes” s’han burlat d’aquest enfocament, però com explica Alan Woods, la seva burla està fora de lloc.

Keinen Cent, keine Kugel für Israels Kriegsmaschinerie: Statement zur Uni-Protestwelle in den USA

In einer wachsenden Bewegung gegen das Massaker in Gaza haben Studenten und Fakultätsmitglieder in über 60 Universitäten und Colleges in den USA Protestcamps errichtet. Eine ganze Generation wird politisiert und zieht Schlussfolgerungen über das Wesen des Imperialismus, die Rolle der Polizei und des Staates und die Notwendigkeit kollektiven Handelns.
