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[Podcast] Encampments for Palestine: reports from the front lines

[Podcast] Encampments for Palestine: reports from the front lines

In Defence of Marxism

Friday, 17 May 2024 


[Podcast] Encampments for Palestine: reports from the front lines

As the horrors of Israel’s war on Gaza continue to escalate, a wave of student protests has erupted in solidarity with the Palestinians: drawing comparisons with the anti-Vietnam War movement. Starting in the USA, the encampments quickly spread internationally, meeting with press slander and brutal police repression. In this special episode, we speak with four student communists from Canada, the UK, Austria and the USA, who have been active in encampments at various universities, to hear about their experiences of this inspiring struggle.


An open letter to members of the Communist Party USA

Comrades, we write to you in solidarity as we are confident we share the goal of overthrowing US capitalism and imperialism.

Szkoła Majowa „W obronie Lenina” — Lenin żyje!

Tegoroczna Szkoła Majowa, zorganizowana pod hasłem „W obronie Lenina”, była wielkim sukcesem naszej organizacji i kolejnym dowodem skuteczności naszej pracy i metod. W morzu oportunizmu i ideowej dezorientacji śmiało podnieśliśmy sztandar leninizmu i otwarcie broniliśmy naszych idei wobec ataków reakcji. Na pochodzie pierwszomajowym, i już po nim na samej Szkole, pokazaliśmy swoje rewolucyjne poświęcenie, przygotowanie teoretyczne i śmiało możemy ogłosić, że komunizm żyje — i to my jesteśmy jego reprezentantami w Polsce!

Refah'a yönelik saldırıyı durdurun! Emperyalizmle içerde savaşın!

Refah'a yönelik uzun süredir planlanan saldırı başladı. 6 Mayıs Pazartesi günü IDF şehre hava saldırıları başlattı ve yaklaşık 100.000 Filistinlinin doğu mahallelerinden kıyıya doğru el-Mevasi'nin sözde 'insani bölgelerine' ve Han Yunus'un batısındaki bir bölgeye tahliye edilmesi çağrısında bulundu.
