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Biden sheds crocodile tears while supporting genocide

Biden sheds crocodile tears while supporting genocide

In Defence of Marxism

Tuesday, 26 March 2024 


Biden sheds crocodile tears while supporting genocide

The term “to shed crocodile tears” derives from the fact that crocodiles have been noted to shed tears as they consume their victims. According to the Collins Dictionary, the meaning of the saying is “to pretend to be sad or to sympathise with someone without really caring about them.” Crocodiles do indeed produce tears, but they serve to keep the eyes clean and lubricated and are in no way connected to emotions. Today, we have many crocodiles in human form – they are called Presidents, Prime Ministers, Foreign Secretaries, newspaper editors, and so on. But Biden stands out clearly as the Chief Crocodile.


[Podcast] Art, culture and the Russian Revolution

Communism is often presented by its enemies as being at best uninterested in art and culture, and at worst openly hostile to anything but the crudest propaganda. This is completely at odds with the approach of Lenin and the Bolsheviks, and genuine communists today. The Russian Revolution ushered in an explosion of artistic creativity, which for the first time was unshackled from the constraints of class society. This is the legacy that communists must defend.


La masacre de Moscú: ¿quién fue el responsable?

El pasado viernes, el mundo quedó conmocionado y horrorizado por la noticia de una espantosa masacre en un auditorio de Moscú. Según los últimos informes, al menos 137 personas murieron en este bárbaro atentado. Hombres, mujeres y niños fueron masacrados indiscriminadamente por un grupo de francotiradores sin piedad.

Por que Israel retardou o seu ataque a Rafah?

O prazo de 10 de Março para o ataque a Rafah já passou e o ataque ainda não aconteceu. Será que Netanyahu está tendo dúvidas? A resposta para isso é claramente não. O governo israelense está manobrando sob pressão externa, em particular da administração dos EUA, ao mesmo tempo em que se encontra internamente dividido. A pressão dos EUA se deve a preocupações humanitárias por parte de Biden? A resposta, novamente, é não. Os EUA continuam a apoiar Israel no seu ataque genocida ao povo palestino, como testemunha o aumento da sua ajuda militar. Então, por que a demora no ataque?
