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100 years on: the revolutionary legacy of John Maclean

100 years on: the revolutionary legacy of John Maclean

In Defence of Marxism

Thursday, 30 November 2023 


100 years on: the revolutionary legacy of John Maclean

Today is the centenary anniversary of the death of John Maclean, a dedicated Marxist and class fighter, famous for playing a leading role in militant workers’ movements such as Red Clydeside in Glasgow. We pay tribute to his revolutionary legacy.


Swedish Tesla strikes: Musk vs. mechanics!

Mechanics at Tesla's 10 workshops in Sweden have been on strike since 27 October: the first of its kind at the EV giant. The action was taken after the Swedish industrial union IF Metall told its members to down tools in response to the electric car giant refusing to sign a collective bargaining agreement in a move derided by CEO (and world’s richest man) Elon Musk as “insane”.


Karl Marx Seminar 2023: the lessons of the German Revolution

On 25 and 26 November, 188 young communists met in Berlin to discuss the German Revolution of 1918-1923, in order to arm themselves for the struggle against capitalism today.


La victoria de Milei – Una ultraderecha que quiere, pero, ¿puede?

Por primera vez en varias décadas, el ballotage implicó la concentración de todas las corrientes políticas de masas del país, en sólo dos grandes variantes de derecha. Y finalmente, la votación se inclinó hacia el programa de shock ultraderechista, es decir, hacia el reclamo de las patronales en el contexto de la agudización de la crisis.



托马斯·马尔萨斯牧师(Reverend Thomas Malthus)在19世纪声名鹊起,他是贫穷和不平等的热心捍卫者。他断言,穷人之所以贫穷,并不是因为资本主义的剥削或不公,而是因为他们的人数太多,争夺有限的资源。如今,马尔萨斯的观点仍然以各种不同的形式流传,甚至对部分左派也产生了影响。在这篇文章中,亚当·布斯借鉴了马克思和恩格斯对马尔萨斯的批判,揭示了这些思想在今天的错误和反动影响。(按:本文原文发表于2023年11月10日。译者:Eric L)

Klimakrisen: Imperialistisk rivalisering dømmer grøn omstilling til døden

Verdens opdeling i nationalstater og den konkurrence, som foregår mellem de nationale borgerskaber, gør kampen mod klimaforandringer til en syg joke. Det er sjældent, at kapitalistiske politikere og kommentatorer åbent indrømmer denne åbenlyse sandhed, men i ny og næ er det muligt at læse en artikel skrevet af de mere kløgtige repræsentanter af kapitalen, hvor der udvises et glimt af forståelse. Men netop sådan en artikel blev for nylig udgivet af The Financial Times (FT) med titlen “Hvordan Kina trængte markedet for grøn teknologi op i en krog”.

Το ΚΚΕ και ο αγώνας για την απελευθέρωση της Παλαιστίνης: μια απαραίτητη συζήτηση

Άρθρο κριτικής στη θέση του ΚΚΕ για το Παλαιστινιακό ζήτημα από τον Χόρχε Μαρτίν, μέλος της Διεθνούς Γραμματείας της IMT.

Holanda: vitória eleitoral de Wilders mostra a crise da política holandesa

A 22 de novembro, o capitalismo holandês e europeu foi abalado por um terramoto, com o partido do demagogo de extrema-direita Geert Wilders a ficar em primeiro lugar nas eleições legislativas nos Países Baixos, com quase um quarto dos votos. O que pensam os comunistas deste desenvolvimento?
