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Ukraine’s bloody anniversary: a balance sheet and perspectives

Ukraine’s bloody anniversary: a balance sheet and perspectives

Friday, 24 February 2023 


Ukraine’s bloody anniversary: a balance sheet and perspectives

Exactly 12 months ago today, Russian tanks rolled across the border into Ukraine. The anniversary of that event has not gone unnoticed. Indeed, it has occupied many hours of time on television and as many columns in the pages of the press.


The Big Bang: shoehorning the facts to fit the theory

“It’s bananas,” exclaimed Dr Erica Nelson, co-author of a paper on a collection of fuzzy, red smudges of light from distant galaxies picked up by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST): “These galaxies should not have had time to form.” And yet, there they are! Massive, mature, insolent galaxies, shining brightly, in complete disregard of the fact that the Big Bang theory says they cannot exist.

[VIDEO] El triunfo de Lula y la asonada bolsonarista – una perspectiva marxista

Los compañeros de Rumbo Alterno (Puerto Rico) entrevistaron a Caio Dezorzi, dirigente de la Esquerda Marxista (sección brasileña de la Corriente Marxista Internacional y militante del PSOL) acerca del significado de la victoria de Lula, la asonada bolsonarista y las perspectivas para el movimiento obrero.

Comeback til det liberale demokrati?

»Dette var året, hvor det liberale demokrati slog igen,« erklærede Janan Ganesh - en ikke særlig skarp klummeskribent fra Financial Times - den 15. november. Det argument, der blev fremført af FT’s korrespondent for international politik, gik på, at efter en periode med kaos, hvor “det fornuftige politiske etablissement” var blevet kraftigt miskrediteret, havde 2022 været det bedste år for liberalismen længe.

Конец глобализации?

В мае 2022 года генеральный директор BlackRock заявил, что «российское вторжение в Украину положило конец глобализации, в которой мы жили последние три десятилетия». Несомненно, он прав. Война в Украине довела до предела конфликты, которые назревали между крупными державами в течение некоторого времени.