Trump, Merkel, y la muerte de la alianza occidental Las recientes reuniones tormentosas en la cumbre del G7 y la conferencia de la OTAN han puesto al descubierto las crecientes tensiones en las relaciones mundiales. Esto sucedió más explícitamente entre el líder del "mundo libre", Donald Trump y la líder de facto de la Unión Europea, la canciller alemana Angela Merkel. "La primera visita de Donald Trump a Europa fue incómoda. Sus consecuencias han sido explosivas", comentó el Financial Times, un portavoz importante del capital financiero.
Ο Tραμπ, η Μέρκελ και ο θάνατος της Δυτικής Συμμαχίας Οι πρόσφατες θορυβώδεις συναντήσεις στη διάσκεψη κορυφής των G7 και στη διάσκεψη του ΝΑΤΟ κατέδειξαν τις αυξανόμενες εντάσεις στις παγκόσμιες σχέσεις. Αυτό έγινε πιο εμφανές στις σχέσεις μεταξύ του ηγέτη του «ελεύθερου κόσμου», Ντόναλντ Τράμπ και της de facto αρχηγού της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, της Γερμανίδας Καγκελαρίου Άνγκελας Μέρκελ. «Η πρώτη επίσκεψη του Ντόναλντ Τράμπ στην Ευρώπη ήταν άβολη. Τα επακόλουθά της είναι εκρηκτικά», σχολίασαν οι Financial Times, ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα όργανα του κεφαλαίου.
Estado Islâmico prestes a ser derrotado enquanto os imperialistas se preparam para a guerra A derrota do Estado Islâmico é iminente. Seu último refúgio em Mosul está prestes a ser liquidado, Raqqa está cercada e até mesmo Deir ez-Zor está sob pressão. O fim do EI no Iraque e na Síria tornou-se uma luta pelo que virá depois.
Trump Vows to Leave the Paris Accord President Donald Trump announced on Thursday that the United States will withdraw from the Paris accord. After a fraught meeting with the other G7 countries, he unilaterally withdrew from the accords. This marks a decisive turning point in world relations, and shows the inability of capitalism to create a sustainable future for humanity on this planet.
Trump, Merkel, and the death of the Western alliance The recent stormy meetings at the G7 summit and NATO conference have laid bare the growing tensions in world relations. This was most explicitly seen between the leader of the ‘free world’, Donald Trump and the de facto leader of the European Union, German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “Donald Trump’s first visit to Europe was awkward. Its aftermath has been explosive,” commented the Financial Times, a major mouthpiece of finance capital.
Tumulto nas relações internacionais O isolacionista Trump mudou de rumo. Em vez de sua promessa de se manter fora do Oriente Médio, ele se utilizou da indignação por um ataque de armas químicas sobre a população civil de Khan Shaykhun, na Síria, para lançar 59 mísseis de cruzeiro contra uma base aérea do governo sírio. A Casa Branca foi rápida em anunciar que a ação enviava um forte sinal não somente a Assad, como também ao restante do mundo.
World Relations in Turmoil The isolationist Trump has had a change of heart. Instead of his promise to keep out of the Middle East, he has used the outrage over a chemical attack on civilians in Khan Shaykhun in Syria to send 59 cruise missiles against a Syrian government air base. The White House was quick to announce that the action sent a strong signal not just to Assad, but to the rest of the world.
Pakistan: The ever growing power of China The China Pakistan Economic Corridor, or CPEC, has become the cornerstone of the state policy of Pakistan in recent years and all the politics and economics of the ruling class revolve around this project. The rulers are claiming that this corridor will bring prosperity and advancement in the country and that soon rivers of milk and honey will start flowing.
[Video] Turbulence and instability - The state of World Capitalism At the congress of the Pakistani section of the IMT on December 3rd, Fred Weston delivered the introductory speech analysing the world situation in the light of the recent victory of Trump in the US presidential elections, the role of Russia in Syria, the crisis of the EU and the general deepening crisis of world capitalism. We provide here two videos of the introductory speech and the summing up of the discussion.
Trump's Inauguration: A Vulgar Display of Capitalist Decay and Desperation And so begins the Trump era: with worldwide protests, pessimism, and polarization.The carefully stage-managed inaugural spectacle had to be protected by 28,000 law enforcement officers. Militarized police kept people waiting for hours at vehicle checkpoints, going so far as to confiscate any fruit they found, lest the presidential motorcade be pelted on live television. In 2008, nearly two million Americans flocked to see Obama after his promise of "change we can believe in." In 2012, after four years of bitter disappointment, over a million turned up. Trump, who claims to have the support of a majority of Americans, Syria: The battle of Aleppo a turning point in world relations The recapture of Aleppo by loyalist forces in December, represents a decisive milestone in the Syrian civil war as well as for the crisis in the whole region. But it also has wide ranging consequences for world relations in the coming period. Crisis and Class Struggle: World Perspectives 2016 The following draft document was discussed at the World Congress of the International Marxist Tendency in July 2016. The main aim of the document is to define the main economic, social and political trends in the world today and to develop a perspective for the class struggle in the next period. The document was originally drafted in October 2015. [You can read the final version of the document, which was passed at the congress here as...
Syria: The battle of Aleppo a turning point in world relations The recapture of Aleppo by loyalist forces in December, represents a decisive milestone in the Syrian civil war as well as for the crisis in the whole region. But it also has wide ranging consequences for world relations in the coming period.
Crisis and Class Struggle: World Perspectives 2016 The following draft document was discussed at the World Congress of the International Marxist Tendency in July 2016. The main aim of the document is to define the main economic, social and political trends in the world today and to develop a perspective for the class struggle in the next period. The document was originally drafted in October 2015. [You can read the final version of the document, which was passed at the congress here as...