United States: IMT Gets National Center in New York City!

Following a hugely successful three-month campaign which received support from around the planet, the US section of the IMT is thrilled to announce that we have obtained offices in New York City. This is a tremendous victory for our organization and an important step for the growth of the forces of Marxism in the US. This achievement comes at a time when interest in the ideas of socialism and revolution have reached unprecedented levels in modern memory.

Comrades across the country have worked tirelessly to appeal for contributions from sympathizers, friends, and supporters of the cause of socialist revolution. The outpour of donations has been truly inspiring, and is a strong indication of the rapidly changing mood in the US. Many supporters have contributed donations of $50, $100, $250, and even $500 to help us make this goal a reality. We are still in the early stages of setting up our new space, but with the help of comrades in the NY area we are making quick progress!

This is a milestone which will transform the work of our National Center, allowing it to function more efficiently as a headquarters from which to coordinate and strengthen the work of the branches and comrades in over a dozen cities, organize public meetings, as well as regional and national events. The comrades in the NYC branches are excited to begin holding their weekly meetings in our new space and volunteering regularly to help with the thousand-and-one daily tasks of building Bolshevism in the belly of the belly of the beast. We are also in a position to expand the selection of political materials, classic works of Marxism, theoretical booklets, T-shirts and other merchandise on MarxistBooks.com.

officepic3Office entrance

The IMT is growing around the world as millions begin to draw revolutionary conclusions from their experiences under capitalism’s endless crises. As more people begin to search for Marxist ideas and a way to get involved in the struggle for socialism, we regularly receive messages from around the US from supporters of our cause. There is a steady stream of people who refuse to accept the idea that capitalism is the only way to organize human society—individuals who are deeply committed to contributing to the socialist transformation of society. Given the unprecedented opportunities before us, it is more urgent than ever that we assemble the financial resources and the organizational apparatus necessary to connect as effectively as possible with this mood in society, and translate it into the growth of the revolutionary tendency.


If we could simply snap our fingers and implement the program of the US section of the IMT, the entire planet would be transformed overnight. Unfortunately, the struggle for socialism is not that simple! In order to provide the working class with a socialist program necessary to successfully put an end to capitalism and transform society, we need to establish Marxist branches in every region, major city, industry, union, workplace, and campus. It is said that finances are the sinews of war, and the same is true of revolution. We have taken an enormous step as an organization and we need your support to ensure that the ideas of revolutionary Marxism continue to connect with the growing layers of the working class who are looking for them. If you have not done so yet, please consider making a donation of any amount, become a solidarity member, subscribing to Socialist Appeal, or better yet, join us and help us prepare for the momentous events that history has in store for the workers of the US and the world.


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