Middle East in revolt! Share TweetIn the past two months we have published a number of articles on the revolution that is taking place in the Middle East and North Africa. We are making available the full list here for our readers. We have also provided links to a number of articles written in the last couple of years as well as some historical articles, explaining our position on the colonial revolution.Manifesto of the International Marxist Tendency on Arab revolution Part 1: Revolution until victory! (March 14, 2011) Part 2: Democratic demands (March 16, 2011) Part 3: The Revolution is not finished (March 17, 2011) Articles dealing with the present movement Bomb blast in Morocco: Who benefits from the crime? (April 29, 2011) Syria: As the regime clamps down, cracks appear in armed forces (April 26, 2011) Morocco: First Marxist Spring School – Youth prepares for new stage in revolution (April 19, 2011) Syria: Protests spreading across whole country and involving new layers (April 18, 2011) Imperialism and the Arab Revolution (April 12, 2011) Which way is Syria going? An appraisal of the moment after the Friday of Martyrs (April 4, 2011) Libyan Interim Government – agents of imperialism (April 1, 2011) Morocco: “The people reject the constitution of slaves (March 28, 2011) Egypt: through what stage is the revolution passing? (March 25, 2011) Yemen revolution: Saleh regime on the verge of collapse (March 24, 2011) The Arab revolt: A history of struggle (March 24, 2011) Repression in Bahrain – reactionary monarchies of the Gulf unmasked (March 23, 2011) Syria: The people have had enough - Terror will not save the regime (March 22, 2011) Support Libyan revolution, Oppose imperialist aggression! (March 21, 2011) Libyan revolution and imperialist meddling (March 18, 2011) Why has the revolution stalled in Libya? (March 17, 2011) Revolution in Tunisia and Egypt: lessons for Nigerian workers (March 10, 2011) Tunisia: the new government of el Sebsi forced to make concessions (March 9, 2011) Morocco: The Communist League of Action – an interview (March 9, 2011) The key role of women in the Egyptian revolution (March 8, 2011) Venezuela and Libya: it is not an April 11 coup, it is a February 27 Caracazo (March 4, 2011) No to imperialist intervention in Libya (March 1, 2011) The truth about the present revolutionary uprising in Libya (March 1, 2011) Iraq about to join the Arab revolution? (February 26, 2011) The second wave of the Tunisian revolution: down with Gannouchi – all power to the revolutionary people (25 February, 2011) Egypt – End of the beginning (24 February, 2011) Uprising in Libya: Tremble tyrants! (23 February, 2011) Revolutionary Aftershocks (21 February, 2011) The Arab revolution knows no frontiers (18 February, 2011) Egypt: Statement of the Maadi Besatin and Dar el-Salam Committee for the Defence of the Revolution (18 February, 2011) Iran: The movement prepares to take another step (18 February, 2011) Egypt: Mahalla textile workers go on strike and oil workers win victory (16 February, 2011) Egyptian army manoeuvres in attempt to cut across worker protests (15 February, 2011) Egypt: Call for a general strike of Petrotrade workers (15 February, 2011) Tunisia: one month from the overthrow of Ben Ali (14 February, 2011) Some Egyptian lessons for Iranian revolutionaries (14 February, 2011) Mubarak has fallen! - Revolution until Victory! (11 February, 2011) Iran: In the footsteps of Tunisia and Egypt (11 February, 2011) Egyptian workers take the lead (09 February, 2011) Egyptian revolution reverberates throughout Arab world (07 February, 2011) The Egyptian Revolution: “The people want the downfall of the system” (04 February, 2011) A Statement from the protesters at Cairo's Tahrir square to the Egyptian people (04 February, 2011) Egypt: A Pharaoh’s Nemesis (03 February, 2011) The Battle of Tahrir Square (03 February, 2011) Egypt on the brink of civil war (02 February, 2011) Egyptian Federation for Independent Unions - Creation of Constitutional Body (02 February, 2011) New Egyptian Trade Union Federation (01 February, 2011) Egypt: the moment of truth (01 February, 2011) Letter from an Egyptian socialist - The reaction to Mubarak's speech (31 January, 2011) Egypt: revolution knows no frontiers (30 January, 2011) Revolution in Egypt – Power is on the street (29 January, 2011) Tunisia: reject the government reshuffle the revolutionary people must take power (28 January, 2011) The Egyptian Revolution (28 January, 2011) Egypt: the revolt continues (27 January, 2011) Tunisia – for a national general strike against the Gannouchi government! (26 January, 2011) Egypt: the calm before the storm (26 January, 2011) Uprising in Egypt: the revolution is spreading! (25 January, 2011) Tunisia: “We are here to overthrow the government” (24 January, 2011) Revolutionary awakening of the Maghreb (24 January, 2011) Tunisia: the revolutionary initiative of the masses continues (21 January, 2011) Tunisia: as the ruling class manoeuvres at the top elements of dual power develop from below (20 January, 2011) Tunisia: reject the farce of national unity – continue the revolution until victory (18 January, 2011) Tunisia: the dictator has fallen now it is time for the regime to fall! (18 January, 2011) The insurrection in Tunisia and the future of the Arab Revolution (15 January, 2011) Tunisia: From the uprising of Sidi Bizoud to the revolution! - Ben Ali and his clique must go NOW! (14 January, 2011) The Tunisian Spring (05 January, 2011) The Tunisian uprising (04 January, 2011) Articles in the lead-up to the present movement Western Sahara: The uprising in El Aayiún – our position (November 22, 2010) Egypt: The gathering storm (28 October, 2010) Iran: On the character of the present lull and the tasks of the Marxists (28 June, 2010) Where is the Iranian revolution going? (11 June, 2010) Egyptian April 6 - a dress rehearsal for bigger events in the future (7 April, 2010) A new stage: A balance sheet of the present Iranian revolution (17 January, 2010) The class struggles in South Yemen (12 January, 2010) The invasion of Gaza: what does it mean? – Part Two (09 January, 2009) The invasion of Gaza: what does it mean? – Part One (08 January, 2009) Egypt: The victory of Mahalla workers exposes the weakness of Mubarak’s regime (4 October, 2007) Historical articles The nature of the Gaddafi regime – historical background notes (April 6, 2011) The Colonial Revolution and Civil War in South Yemen (1986) The Middle East (June 1967 EC statement) (June, 1967) The Colonial Revolution and the Sino-Soviet Dispute (August, 1964) Suez—the Crisis of Western Imperialism (December, 1965)