First issue of “Mobareze Tabaqati” Published by Iranian Marxists

We, a group of supporters of the International Marxist Tendency, are happy to declare that the first issue of our 16-page communist paper, “Mobareze Tabaqati” (Class Struggle) has been published and in the recent days, around the anniversary of the beginning of the revolutionary movement in Iran, it was distributed in a few of the largest cities in Iran by our supporters.

Mobareze Tabaqati“Mobareze Tabaqati” will be published monthly. It attempts to bring you the latest news and analysis about the conditions in Iran, the region and the world from a Marxist perspective. We are just at the beginning and we hope “Mobareze” can become better every day and be transformed into a communist pole of attraction inside the movement and a voice for Iranian youth and workers.

We ask all the readers to give us their comments and criticisms.

Download PDF

Also, have a look at our new website: Mobareze Tabaqati


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